
Managing Globalization and De-Globalization: Working in the Post-Global World

Until recently, the world seemed to be moving inexorably closer, with “us” and “them” giving way to a more global sensibility. Recent populist political movements, from Brexit to Trumpism to Italy’s Five Star Movement and France’s National Rally Party, have challenged this narrative, advocating for a return of local sovereignty and the primacy of national interests. The implications are significant for global mobility and companies that depend on a free flow of talent.

In this webinar, we will discuss how cultures and companies are adapting and responding to the new post-global world, as evidenced in their talent management, mobility and relocation strategies. You will gain a greater understand of how the forces of globalization and de-globalization continue to intersect and affect everyone involved in the global mobility process, sometimes in surprising ways.   

CE Credit (fees may apply):  CRP-INTL GMS
Focus:  Global

The Speakers

Founder, DFA Intercultural Global Solutions and Executive Strategic Consultant

Dean Foster
Dwellworks Intercultural