Recap: Worldwide ERC® 2018 EMEA Summit in London, UK

Apr 23 2018
Published in: Mobility
| Updated Apr 27 2023

The Worldwide ERC® EMEA Summit, in London, United Kingdom, 21 February 2018 brought together delegates and speakers from around the region to collaborate on ideas and inspire new ways of thinking about global talent and the future of work. 


Uncertainty around Brexit, global geopolitical challenges, immigration challenges, new privacy regulations and industry disruption are all requiring mobility professionals to re-examine practices and pivot quickly in the midst of rapid change. 

The spotlight on future trends affecting the EMEA region persisted through the one-day mobility and immigration event at the London Hilton Park Lane. 

The event began with a keynote by speaker Will Higham, who explored trends and applications in AI and IoT, “coopetition,” agile working, and changing social needs are impacting physical work and corporate policies. 

Participants interacted with panels of experts on key topics like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and what it means for how we will collect, store and use data; business travel compliance and tracking; and what the future of mobility will look like. 

For more information about the event sessions and takeaways, take a tour of the London Summit event resources.